Exception error

I’m sure I’m missing something really basic here but I’m getting the following error when I stop running the game.

UnityException: You are not allowed to call this function when declaring a variable.
Move it to the line after without a variable declaration.
If you are using C# don’t use this function in the constructor or field initializers, Instead move initialization to the Awake or Start function.
UnityEngine.GameObject.FindWithTag (System.String tag)
play_slot…ctor () (at Assets/Standard Assets/Scripts/play_slot.js:1)

The script in question is this:

var slot = gameObject.FindWithTag("slot");

function Update () {
	  if (Input.GetKeyUp ("space")) {
        print ("space key was released");

It sounds like I’m being told to write it like this:
var slot : gameObject;
slot = gameObject.FindWithTag(“slot”);

But then the variable disappears from the inspector, the game won’t run at all, and more error messages ensue.

Any help would be appreciated.


Classes always start with upper case.

So GameObject
gameObject is the property within a transform which will return this transforms linked game object.
But none of that solves your issue. You can not call a function on declaration

or completely

var slot : GameObject;

Function Awake() {
 slot = gameObject.FindWithTag("slot");

Ah, OK. Got that but… I changed the line to match your example, and it generates the same error.

BTW, is there a decent scripting primer anywhere? I’ve read on the boards, that books on Javascript are no help, because Unity JS is different.
