I’ve got to problem wich is fully described here: Exception on page refresh - Unity Engine - Unity Discussions
I’ve got the same in new beta(
How soon we should expect to solve the following problem? And have anyone a decision for this problem?
Sorry, the 5.2 beta forum is for 5.2 specific bugs (not bugs continuing from a previous release) and feedback. Let’s please keep the specific to 5.2 here.
Sorry if i’m wrong, but I’m writing here as the state of same issue Unity Issue Tracker - Refreshing WebGL build page throws an error when using Chrome is Status: Fixed in future release, but it is 5.2 and the problem hasn’t been fixed still.
This issue was marked as fixed in 5.2.
If you’re experiencing something similar in 5.2b1, please file a new bug report, as it can be similar but actually different issue.