I have a very large mesh that I want to be visible all the time. Meaning when the gameobject itself goes out of view I don’t want it to not render the mesh because I can still see it. The problem is that the camera turns of the mesh when the gameobject point goes out of view. I’ve tried excluding it from the Culling Mask but it does the opposite and hides it all the time. How can I do this?
You can not control culling into the “force negative” direction.
That means if the culling decides that something needs to be culled (out of camera view, or if you use occlusion culling by an occluder) it will be no matter what you do.
But normally that should not disturb anything as you wouldn’t have seen it anyway.
Question is how were you able to achieve your problem?
Did you by error use Umbra and mark objects static that have transparent / cutout / vegetation shaders on? (or mark a terrain with trees and bushes static which is the same)? If so don’t mark them static cause transparent objects must not be used as occluder, the transparent is being ignored for occlusion generation.
if its about animated objects that hide: there you don’t need culling modification, what you need is to go down in the mesh hierarchy and change the importer settings to “update when offscreen”