I’m having a problem with Unity’s SSAO on excluding layers / ignore object that shouldn’t be rendered with SSAO. I use Unity chan shader for my character. Don’t ask me to adjust Min Z. I tried it and it’s bad (What if the character was far from camera ? Adjust Min Z? I don’t think so…)
This is the compassion screenshot,
With Unity SSAO, Sample Count High, Intensity 1, Radius 0.05, MinZ 0.01.
Without Unity SSAO, great for character, bad for environment…
And I also tried to tweak a little on Unity Chan shader and I found this and changed it from
to this
And it really works, SSAO now finally ignored character, but there’s still a problem. Depth of Field can’t see character / blur character anymore (if you see it, there’s some DoF cut on character’s body). And sometimes the background like to have a SSAO on character’s shirt / overlayed.
Thanks for the answers.