Exclusive AR, Shared AR profiles & TextMesh Pro

I’ve been prepping an existing iOS app to become an immersive visionOS app, and I’m down to just a couple of issues that I can’t resolve. The problems seem to be with the “Exclusive AR, Shared AR profile(s)” and TextMesh Pro. I’ve not been able to find anything about those profiles or what these error messages mean.

The first of the messages say that TMP toggles and input fields are not supported.

“The Toggle component is not supported by the Exclusive AR, Shared AR profile(s).”

According to manual, “PolySpatial supports text rendering across all platforms using the TextMesh Pro package.” Is this something involving the profiles that needs to be resolved, or are these TMP controls not supported? If not, what are the alternatives? I can work around toggle buttons, but I don’t know about text input, which is NECESSARY for this app.

The last of those messages (just a warning?), about the source image and color properties, I get for ALL TMP buttons.

“The Exclusive AR, Shared AR profile(s) only support Source Image and Color properties.”

I don’t know what that means or how to fix it. Any suggestions?

This message is incorrect, and will be removed in the next release. Both toggles and input fields are supported.

If your buttons work, then you can safely ignore the message. I’m not sure what changed properties might be causing this message, but if you see any properties that don’t seem to be supported, please let us know. Off the top of my head, you might see this message if you changed the Image material. That’s not supported in 1.0.3, but will be in the upcoming next version.

I’m using the default material, in the Inspector the buttons show “None” as the Material. I get this message for images that are simple and sliced. I am using a Sprite Atlas for the UI images, could that be the problem?

None of my buttons work, though that may have something to do with the way I’ve set up the canvas in world space. A couple of buttons (visually) change state when clicked, but do nothing. The other buttons do not respond at all. Toggle buttons initialize randomly, one is selected, two are not (none should be). Input fields are non-responsive.

Now that I know these controls should be working, I can at least look elsewhere for the cause of the problems. Thanks.

It actually looks like the message is just informational, and is set to appear on all Image instances. It’s safe to ignore.

If you find a simple repro case that highlights the issues, definitely submit a bug report and let us know the incident number so that we can investigate.

The message does not appear on all UI images, only on images that are components of TMP controls.

OK, good to know. Sounds like we have some inconsistency with our validation code. Regardless, the message is purely informational.

A few things:

I see the same messages on UI images in the sample projects, so it’s not just me.

I’ve discovered that the reason my buttons are not working is because when run, the Graphic Raycaster attached to the canvas is disabled, and a PolySpatial UI Raycaster component is added. I’m using TMP for my UI, not PolySpatial. If I disable the PS raycaster and enable the Graphic while running, buttons & toggles respond to input and work correctly. I’m sure there’s a checkbox somewhere to prevent the Graphic ray caster from being disabled, but I’ve not yet found it.

Also, input fields are still non-responsive, which I now know is not a problem with my world space canvas settings.

A sample project that shows how to set up a world space canvas with TMP controls would be EXTREMELY helpful. None of the available samples use a canvas or TMP.