Hello,May I ask, what should I do if Raymarching encounters a transparent object while stepping?Can I dynamically obtain the transparency of real-time points in the fragment and then manipulate it?Or can other methods be used to solve it?Thank you!
Excuse me,May I ask, what should I do if Raymarching encounters a transparent object while stepping?
are you raymarching the depth texture? if you are i’d be curious to see what the alpha cards look like in the depth texture. my initial thought (in the case of depth) is that the whole quad is being drawn to it, instead of leaf shape. i think using clip() may remedy this if this is indeed your problem.
either way, issue is likely not caused by raymarching but instead by how the leaf shader interacts with it.
Yes, deep sampling does not include transparency. How can I directly crop out the transparent part (using clips in the pixel)? It seems to be invalid.
I did it in post-processing.
glad you got it done but just so it’s clear to future readers i meant use clip in the leaf shader, not the raymarching shader. (at least i think that’s your raymarching shader.)
Thank you for your guidance for so many days. I am fortunate to have discovered the problem. The URP rendering pipeline defaults to turning on SSAO, but if I turn it off, everything will be fine. It should be a problem with the processing logic in SSAO.