exit code 5

on a scene that has been lightmapping lovely in 5.4 when I updated to 5.6 and tried to use the preview setup, in the console window I got this error message (about 500 times before I stopped it…)

[PathTracer] AddInstanceProperties job with hash: ce62aefc8a3f22e61195f7c7bfa3e55a failed with exit code 5.

can anybody let me know what I did wrong?

I have about the same problem. 5.4 → 5.6
[PathTracer] UpdateInstanceTransforms job with hash: 8ff3f059f491a9e836cd9895161135df failed with exit code 1.

If you do not stop then the computer writes the wrong memory access and falls

Would it be possible to change the title of this thread? Seems like a good place to start a conversation about this error, but the title does’t tell anyone anything.

How about “Unity 5.6 Progressive Lightmapper Memory Error” ?

I’m getting the same error.

[PathTracer] UpdateInstanceTransforms job with hash: 333deab6c8a92acff9f081bd396fa3e5 failed with exit code 1.

Tried deleting lightmap cache, tried clearing baked data, opened and closed Unity several times, restarted my computer, but error persists.

I have 16GB memory and when using the progressive lightmapper, memory usage on my PC goes from 2GB to 15.9GB and then Unity crashes, so it must to be a memory issue, like you say.

Hi all.

Getting similar problems:
[PathTracer] AddInstanceProperties job with hash: c1e10500020c2dd8e779c829abf0ff7c failed with exit code 5.

“Exit code 5” doesn’t cause memory leaking resulting Unity’s crash, like “exit code 1”, but baking light ends with some spots being black, while just few bakings ago they were fine (UVs were generated by Unity upon the import).

Tried to separate meshes before baking, doesn’t help.
Out of desperation reimported all assets, and of course it didn’t help either.
Using 5.6.0f3

Any thoughts?

Same issue here, also tried to delete Library Folder out of desperation, no result. A few days ago everything worked smoothly. :frowning:

same issue, worked fine in 5.4

I’m having the same results AbyssWanderer described. After a bake taking about 5 minutes there are over 500 errors. But the worst part are the artifacts, tho I’m not 100% sure they are directly connected to the errors. The artifacts occur on objects that have multiple instances over the scene and on most of them there are no darker spots or anything, so I assume this cannot be caused by UV maps being invalid. I hope this will be resolved soon.

One thing I’ve noticed: when baking a scene containing only terrain there are no errors.

I am having the exact same issue in my scene.
For now on I disabled the Progressive lighmapper and set it to Enlinghten. This issue seems to be appear only with the Progressive mode.

Progressive lightmapper doesn’t work, it causes an out of memory issue!

Same issue on 5.6.0p2, has anyone found any solution?

Does anyone have any sort of work-around for this issue? I have a level that I can’t lightmap - it just spews these errors and when the process eventually completes, it’s like nothing happened - i.e. there’s no resulting light maps, even though it appears to be working for about an hour.

Unity 5.6.2 - still having this bug.
Has anyone posted a bug to issue tracker? I actually can’t do it myself since my client doesn’t want to go public yet.

Same error happening here. On Unity 2017.1.1f1 (Windows 10). My Progressive lightmapping seems stuck at “7/11 Light Transport | 1 jobs” with the PathTracer error described above. See screenshot attached:

The bug is still happening in 2017.2.0f3

It happened after I deactivated a static mesh and applied the prefab i was in, while baking in progress (might not be linked though…)

I had this error today and managed to solve it. I use 2017.2.0p4
I was lucky and only got errors on same hash.

I went through my prefabs on the scene and hid the objects I worked on before this problem occured and started baking. Then I just unhid one by one until I got the error so I could pinpoint the issue.

My procedure was this Unhide > Clear baking data > Bake and check the console for errors.

For me it was a prefab that I had broken by deleting some objects in it so I just reverted them and now I dont have this problem anymore


Lawd. Here I am, 6 years later, in 2022.3.10f1 and the problem exists still. Was no solution ever found? It doesn’t give the NAME of anything, just the hash!