";" expected. Insert a semicolon at the end

Hi, mi name is Mickey, and im a noob with java, so, i have a problem with this code

function Start () 
	int Bullets;
	Bullets = 8;

function Update () 
		if (Bullets > 0)
			animation.play ("Disparo");
			Bullets = Bullets - 1;
			Debug.Log("Sin Balas...Recargando");
			Bullets = 8;

if somebody can help me with this error, im going to be really grateful

I just formatted your code as it was impossible to read. Now I can, there are a few major problems with your script.

In you Start function, you have used C# to declare a variable. And also you have made this variable local, so it doesn’t exist outside the Start function, which will have your Update giving errors.

There should be a capitol P in animation.Play

So, make your Bullets variable global, and correctly declare it in uJS :

#pragma strict

var Bullets : int = 8;

function Start () 

function Update () 
		if (Bullets > 0)
			animation.Play ("Disparo");
			Bullets = Bullets - 1;
			Debug.Log("Sin Balas...Recargando");
			Bullets = 8;