Memory being scarce on the iPhone and all, I’m wondering if there’s a way to explicitly free up texture memory within a single scene. I have objects I display for a time, then remove from view for a good while and load other objects in their place. It would be great if I could free up the texture memory being used by those objects to make way for the new ones.
Although the documentation is a bit sparse on what exactly this function does, I have run into errors where I could reliably crash the iPhone at a certain place in my code unless I called this function before reaching it - so I am pretty sure it can do what you want.
Yeah, somebody mentioned that function to me once before, but its behavior is completely undocumented so I have no idea if it will really do what I need or not. I tried using it at one point and every time it was called, it caused my game to stop for a good part of a whole second. But my VBO count kept increasing even though I was destroying the objects. So I’m not sure if it really does what I’m needing.