Hi, Does anyone know any way to make a mesh blow up in unity when you hit it and all the polygons from the mesh explode and fly away? For instance say I shoot an enemy fighter, it has 1200 polygons, it dies and I want the whole mesh to break apart 1200 polygons or maybe 2400 tris and fly away then get deleted after a few seconds. Is this possible in unity?
So basically you want this, right?
ps: The bullettime effect (timescale) looks a bit strange now since the last engine update. That’s because the fixedupdate rate will also be scaled down which results in way less physics frames, which results in a choppy movement.
Here’s my old webbuild.
It is possible. but Unity doesn’t have a feature to do this exactly. You would need to create your own method. Perhaps when a enemy fighter dies, the model gets replaced with a cut up version. each piece or gib would have a Rigid body attached, add an explosive force and enjoy.
I faked that effect by simply creating a particle effect with a triangle texture. On death I replace the mesh with that particle effect. But I guess it only works because of the simple graphics style I use…would be difficult with fully textured models…
I came across this. It has been tested on iPhone.
// DestructibleObject.cs
// Written by: Eli (demonpants), modified slightly by Ben
// Functionality: Explode apart a mesh into individual GameObjects
// How it is done: Add to an object with a mesh renderer.
// It reorganizes the vertices, splitting, and sending along the normal.
// Prospective Uses: 1. Spin as they move, rather than only moving linearly
// 2. Be affected by gravity
// 3. Bounce off other objects (with the help of, say, a box collider approximating the shape of the triangle)
// 4. Make a sound when they bounce
// 5. Cause damage when they hit other game entities
// Discussion/Source: http://forum.unity3d.com/threads/11112-Splitting-a-Mesh
//DestructibleObject - provides functionality to destroy whatever GameObject the script is attached to
//the attached object must have a MeshFilter in its children, and its shrapnel objects must have a renderer in the root.
//by Eli
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
public class DestructibleObject : MonoBehaviour
public GameObject shrapnelPrefab;
//public AudioClip breakSound;
public float lifespan = 10.0f;
public float fadeTime = 0.5f;
protected bool destroyed = false;
protected float lifetime;
protected GameObject[] pieces;
public virtual void Update()
if (destroyed)
lifetime -= Time.deltaTime;
//out of time, destroy this object
if (lifetime <= 0.0f)
//fade out before destroying
else if (lifetime <= fadeTime)
for (int i = 0; i < pieces.Length; i++)
Color c = pieces*.renderer.material.color;*
c.a = 1.0f - ((fadeTime - lifetime) / fadeTime);*
_ pieces*.renderer.material.color = c;_
_ }_
_ }_
_ }_
_ }*_
* public virtual void Explode()*
* {*
* if (destroyed)*
* {*
* return;*
* }*
* destroyed = true;*
* lifetime = lifespan + fadeTime;*
* //construct all the individual destructible pieces from our mesh*
* MeshFilter filter = GetComponentInChildren(typeof(MeshFilter)) as MeshFilter;*
* Mesh mesh = filter.mesh;*
* pieces = new GameObject[mesh.triangles.Length/3];*
* //a sneaky easy way to get the children to be sized correctly is to have a unit scale when spawning them, then restore it later*
* Vector3 oldScale = transform.localScale;*
* transform.localScale = new Vector3(1,1,1);*
* for (int i = 0; i < mesh.triangles.Length; i+=3)*
* {*
* GameObject go = GameObject.Instantiate(shrapnelPrefab) as GameObject;*
* Mesh newMesh = (go.GetComponent(typeof(MeshFilter)) as MeshFilter).mesh;*
* newMesh.vertices = new Vector3[]*
* {*
* mesh.vertices[mesh.triangles[i+0]],*
* mesh.vertices[mesh.triangles[i+1]],*
* mesh.vertices[mesh.triangles[i+2]],*
_ mesh.vertices[mesh.triangles[i+0]] - mesh.normals[mesh.triangles[i+0]] * 0.15f, //need to turn this plane 3D_
_ mesh.vertices[mesh.triangles[i+1]] - mesh.normals[mesh.triangles[i+1]] * 0.15f,
mesh.vertices[mesh.triangles[i+2]] - mesh.normals[mesh.triangles[i+2]] * 0.15f_
* };*
* newMesh.uv = new Vector2[]*
* {*
* mesh.uv[mesh.triangles[i+0]],*
* mesh.uv[mesh.triangles[i+1]],*
* mesh.uv[mesh.triangles[i+2]],*
* mesh.uv[mesh.triangles[i+0]],*
* mesh.uv[mesh.triangles[i+1]],*
* mesh.uv[mesh.triangles[i+2]]*
* };*
* newMesh.triangles = new int[]*
* {*
* 0, 2, 3,*
* 2, 5, 3,*
* 0, 3, 1,*
* 1, 3, 4,*
* 1, 4, 2,*
* 2, 4, 5,*
* 2, 0, 1,*
* 5, 4, 3*
* };*
* newMesh.RecalculateNormals();*
* (go.collider as MeshCollider).sharedMesh = newMesh;*
* go.transform.parent = filter.transform;*
* go.transform.localPosition = Vector3.zero;*
* go.transform.localRotation = Quaternion.identity;*
* pieces[i/3] = go;*
* }*
* mesh.triangles = new int[0];*
* mesh.vertices = new Vector3[0];*
* mesh.uv = new Vector2[0];*
* mesh.normals = new Vector3[0];*
* transform.localScale = oldScale;*
* Object.Destroy(collider);*
* //audio.PlayOneShot(breakSound);*
* }*
* public GameObject[] GetPieces()*
* {*
* return pieces;*
* }*