Explosions leave behind markers while playing.


I’m new to unity and I just started to develop my own game. While playing the game, you have to shoot stuff coming towards the player and there is an explosion when you successfully shoot an object and it is destroyed. The problem I’m facing is that after the explosion there is a marker (The particle Simulator symbol) left behind. How do I stop these markers form appearing?

As Firelight said, it’s only a Gizmo that won’t appear in the actual game view. However, it’s a very good idea to destroy the particle systems that are not needed anymore so they don’t accumulate and clutter up the scene. Even if they are not visible, every gameobject slows the game down a tiny bit so if you get in the four digits numbers, it will become a problem. You can use the Destroy function to destroy a gameobject or component, and optionally pass it the time in seconds as a delay before it gets destroyed, so you can give it time to play the particle effects before destroying it.