Explosive Force

I was wondering how I would go about making and explosive force, like if I shot a rocket and wanted then enemies or the things around the rocket to go flying when it exploded how would I accomplish that. Or if I wanted to have a slight explosive force when my guy punches or kicks but the force would only go forward. Anyway I could accomplish those?

Already looked the Explosive Extension in Resources?

about Force in Forward, look is this help you:

OBJECT_VARIABLE.rigidbody.AddForce(transform.forward * forceVariable);

// or
OBJECT_VARIABLE.velocity = transform.TransformDirection(new Vector3 (0,0,forceVariable));


Hmmm… I don’t know if that would work, I have an animation of my guy punching, and I want him to have a kind of explosive force or something on the end because otherwise his punch can’t affect anything.

Just apply it to the position where you punch should blow away any physical stuff. (may also affect the puncher)