Export assetbundle in unity

hello sir,
I am exporting assetbundle of prefab and fbx. i am downloading it and it works successfully in unity3d 4.6 pro version.
Now I want to export assetbundle as a whole folder from unity which contains all content in project folder.

is there any solution of it ?

Assets → Export Package

If it doesn’t already have all items ticked the select all.

if you have a large number of assets in your project then it can take a very long time to complete even an hour or more depending on your system.

It should work, it just takes a very long time.

Thanks for answer. Now I can do it. But I want to do like that Creating a assetBundle which contain all directory and sub directory with its content ?
Is it possible ??

@ajaybhojani : Yes you can! Select the folder and either right click and choose the option you have given for your asset bundle creation or select the folder,go to assets and choose the assetbundle creation option