I have written a model viewer utility and would like the ability to export the model to FBX from runtime in a standalone view. Apparently this is possible using the FBX export package. They even mention that it is possible during runtime:
When I install the package, I can export models by right clicking on the prefab. But during runtime, I can’t get it to work. It says it apparently works on a scene? Where does my script have to live? Can I export one specific prefab in the scene rather than the entire scene?
The Exporter itself is “Editor Only” - the examples it gives wouldn’t be relevant in your use case (Note how they include the UnityEditor namespace).
The part of the package that you’d want to explore is the FBX SDK bindings which may be executed at runtime. However, you’d have to take care of that process yourself - the FBX Exporter source code would be a good place to start.