Export on IOS: Stuk on Splash Screen

Hi everyone!
I’ve been working for a while about my Ipad / android tablets game now. We have the basic motor of the game, and we have to try the exportation. I bought a IOS developper licence from Apple, made all the necessary step to be able to try applications on the Ipad (a hello word project worked). I now want to export the unity game (I got the IOS licence when it was free). So I go to build and run, Xcode is launched, and, magic happens, the ipad show the unity logo with “powered by Unity”. But, that’s it. No loading screen, and no game!
Do I have to select a main scene from the project or something like that? (The web export for instance works perfectly).
Thanks for your help!

Go into File > build Settings

And make sure that all your scenes are in the Build Settings and make double sure that your main Scene is at the top of the list of scenes
if the build settings list is empty, simply drag and drop your scenes into the build settings.

If all is well there, make sure that the first scene your project calls doesn’t require something from another scene which could be causing it to crash