Export problem

Hi people,

Well, I’m starting testing unity for a game project and some question using the exporter blow up.

The first is with the obj exporter from 3ds max 2009. Well, is it possible to make an hierarchy when export to unity? For example, four wheels have a car as a parent and each wheel have children mesh? When I do it, each mesh is exported separately.

The second is with the fbx format. When I export a car, for example, the hierarchy is exported right but some submeshes have rotations in its transformation component. Is there a way to export it without its transformation?

Thanks a lot!

José Ricardo

If you have Max 2009 and Unity installed on the same computer you do not have to manually export your files to FBX, OBJ, etc… just save your .max files in your Unity Project Assets folder.

Hi Antenna,

I’ve done it but the rotation in the transformation of each mesh stay the same. In addition, the mesh collider is not right positioned with my mesh position. :?

Any help?


If you go look in FAQ you will see there is a section for 3Dmax.
-there you find this:

