Export Settings or custom files to release builds

Hello everyone!
I got a little question
I am building an asset at the moment and I am struggling with something.

I created a settings page where users can enter details and stuff, but how do I get these to the release build? I can save them in files at editor runtime but then when building, these files are ofc not taken with into the build. So what is the best method of doing so ?

I tought of creating automated code based on the settings that gets executed on the first run but that is suboptimal at best.

Any suggestions?


if you are building for standalone you should make sure you are using the resourse folder for your file path

import System.IO;
var swmap : StreamWriter = new StreamWriter
 swmap.WriteLine("here are my settings");

var loadsettings:TextAsset;                                                                                                              
     loadsettings=Resources.Load("settings")as TextAsset;