Export turtlebot3 from NavSlam project

What would be the correct way to export the turtlebot3 of the Nav2Slam project into our own project? I’m having some issues with the imported turtlebot after exporting it as a prefab.

The AGVController isn’t working the same. In our project the turtlebot can’t be moved with the keyboard inside Unity. When connecting with turtle_teleop_key it only moves backwards (left, right and forward inputs do nothing). Both ways of moving work perfectly fine in the Nav2Slam project.

Hi, the turtlebot in Nav2Slam has some tunings about the frictions of the wheels and casters. If you need to export the turtlebot3 of the Nav2Slam and use it in another project, the most recommended way is to use Unity prefabs. Here is a reference about how to create a prefab file in Unity.