Hello, I’m looking to export the characters from Time Ghost to Blender, I watched several videos, but none of them worked , so if you have an idea of how to do it I’m here.
What format are the characters in? If it’s FBX Blender should be able to open that with a plugin, or use a converter.
You can also use the FBX Exporter package to export a scene or parts of it.
Hello. When I export the entire scene via fbx exporter to Blender, it looks different in Blender. That is, in Unity the scene is all assembled, but in Blender it is exported destroyed. I have suspicions that everything is somehow connected with Combined Mesh (root_scene) But forgive me, I am a newbie and am not sure about this, I just would like to get the whole scene in Blender in the form in which it is in Unity.[quote=“rockric01, post:1, topic:1590205, full:true”]
Hello, I’m looking to export the characters from Time Ghost to Blender, I watched several videos, but none of them worked , so if you have an idea of how to do it I’m here.