I wonder how 2. was done:
- I then exported control vertices for the wave nurbs control splines into unity
Many thanks
I wonder how 2. was done:
Many thanks
Maxscript/Melscript to create nodes (transforms) at the control points
then in Unity, import asset post processor to do something with those transforms
Thanks but holy cow that seems a lot of new stuff to learn. Would anyone have the time to do that for me in a most simple Unity project? I’ve never used Maya etc.
This isn’t exactly a simple task. It’s pretty far from simple. Unity doesn’t even have any built-in support for nurbs surfaces.
Heres a small sample of Maxscript from when I did something like this with splines (note: not nurbs)
It iterates over all the knots in a spline, and creates nodes in hierarchy, with a ‘#’ deliminated naming scheme, so that my import postprocessor can easily find and identify transforms.
if(selection.count != 1 or (classof selection[1] != SplineShape and classof selection[1] != Line) ) do (
messagebox "Select a single spline"
return null
for k = 1 to (numKnots $ 1) do (
if(getKnotType $ 1 k == #corner) do (
messagebox "No corners please, bezier only"
return null
l = point name:($.name + "Points") position:$.position
for k = 1 to (numKnots $ 1) do (
knt = getKnotPoint $ 1 k
in_vec = getInVec $ 1 k
out_vec = getOutVec $ 1 k
if(in_vec == knt) do (in_vec = 2*knt - out_vec)
if(out_vec == knt) do (out_vec = 2*knt - in_vec)
p = point name:($.name + "#knot" + k as string) position:knt
p.parent = l
o=point name:($.name + "#knot" + k as string + "#handleIn") position:in_vec
o.parent = p
o2 = point name:($.name + "#knot" + k as string + "#handleOut") position:out_vec
o2.parent = p
It will be different for Melscript (maya), and you’ll have to go learn MEL (this forum is for Unity)
Thanks. Could I avoid all this by installing Maya and save as another format that unity could use?
It won’t change the fact that Unity has no concept of what nurbs are
The file formats that it can import (fbx,obj,etc) dont even have the ability to store nurbs and splines (i think - whenever i export to FBX from max i get warnings that splines will be ignored).
Tried to install the Maya demo on win8.1 for hours without success! Twice it refused me a 30days demo licence.-
I’m used to Blender so could you save the wave 1.5 as obj or .3ds and pm etc. it to me? Unity seems to import Blender animations. Even if the animation would not work it might be helpful for me. Thanks in advance.