When I export an .FBX from Blender to Unity, I always get the following error message
“ImportFBX Errors:
Framerate was set to 0.00, it’s been reset to 1.0
UnityEditor.ModelImporterEditor:OnDisable ()”
I don’t know if it’s related to the cause, and the message is inconsistent with blender, because the framerate in the blender file, in the “Output Properties” tab, it is actually 30fps and not 0.
Here is the animation correctly showing in Blender. It’s the “Left Shimmy” Mixamo anim that I changed using Blender’s graph editor. The thighs were moved backward on every frame.
And here is Unity’s attempt at importing it:
How can it be at “Frame 0” each frame, even though it’s moving? Makes no sense…
When I download an unmodified Mixamo anim and import it into Unity, it works when I use the right settings that I got from a YouTube video made by Codemaster Jamal. In the “Animation” tab for the imported .FBX file, I set the loop time checkbox and I set the root motion node to . In the “Rig” tab I set it to Humanoid and had it generate its own avatar.
I tried re-importing it back into Blender to see if it’s corrupted or something, but the anim plays correctly. So this suggests that the issue is with Unity’s importing it.
I’ve been able to export simpler animations, such as a head nod and an idle anim, successfully. I’m also able to import Mixamo anims that were never modified in Blender. This modified Mixamo anim is the only one giving me grief.
I got the same result when I imported the .BLEND file instead of the exported .FBX.