Exported prefab always has missing script, even when "export with dependencies" is checked

I can’t export a prefab while keeping all its scripts and script variables, which is important because it would take a while to manually reassign them.

Even if I check “export with dependencies”, and select that prefab to export, it exports only that prefab, with no dependencies. When I import it, all the scripts are missing.

I tried a workaround to export with dependencies but it just exported almost the entire project. Even when trying to import this exported-whole-project into my new project, selecting that prefab, and even selecting the script that should’ve been included with it, the prefab will always show that script as “missing”.

I finally figured it out. “Export with dependencies” never does anything when exporting a prefab. It behaves the same as if it were unchecked. Even if the prefab uses other prefabs/scripts, it will always be exported alone as a single file. Not sure what the actual use case is for it…

To actually achieve “Export with dependencies” behavior, one must MANUALLY tick the checkboxes of all the prefab/script dependencies and export them in the same package. Only then, will they be populated correctly when importing into a new Unity Project.

Great, please put this in a bug report.