Exporting a prefab package, FBX model not being included??

Basically as above. My FBX imported asset is not being saved when I export my prefab as a package?

As you can see in the image I drag the apple icon into the hierarchy and place it in the prefab. I then ‘update’ my prefab by selecting it in the hierarchy, going to the inspector and selecting ‘prefab / apply’.
When I then select the prefab in the project and export it as a package it doesn’t include the fbx!!

Gah, what am I doing wrong!?

I’ve found out that if I drag the ‘orange’ mesh icon into my hierarchy it the package export picks it up fine. But if I do that I can’t use the multi texture functions of the apple ‘container’

Any help greatly appreciated.

Have you check the box that asks if you would like to include all dependencies?

Edit: Include Dependencies

Try creating a prefab from the apple fbx. Normally I prefer using prefabs rather than using the fbx directly.