Does this occur with any tree or just a particular one? Can you export the game samples that come with the Modeler, for instance?
Is the app crashing, or is it just taking a really long time and hanging (window turns white and Windows asks you to stop it)?
If hanging, the usual cause is exporting a really big/complex (possibly VFX-level) tree to a game format. If this is what you are doing, be sure to disable lightmap UVs in the export dialog. That is the slowest part, and it very impacted by the complexity of the tree. Most VFX-level trees can export to game formats easily once you disable that.
But also be sure to not export over a network connection or network shared drive. Some formats can be quite “chatty” and exporting over a network can drastically impact the export time.
The drive I use is the same as the app is on.
While I export the game samples, it’s loading for a short period of time and then app is just closing on it’s own.
My windows11 is working fine and no crucial bugs or lags were meet.
I will try to disable UVs in the export dialog, thank you for the advice.
Upd: I have created the most simple tree with a few “nodes” , no UV or textures. Exported just fine, but what if I make complicated tree.