Exporting Maya Animation to Unity3d


I have created an animation in Maya, and it contains a bone structure with IK Handles. I have tried to Bake the IK Handles and Bones and export as FBX. But when i import to Unity3d and choose bake animations and import to the environment and press play. nothing happens. The character doesn't move at all...

am i doing something wrong? any advice would be great?


The better approach is to simply save the Maya file in your project folder (do not bake the animation in the Maya file, just animate with IK as normal) and then choose to bake animations in the Unity import settings. Unity will automatically convert the file into FBX and then into Unity's data format in the background.

Saving as an .ma file should work. And just as Adam says bake the animations in Unity. Unity will open the .ma file and convert it automatically to .fbx. I think Unity normally does this to all .ma files.

What happens when you use clip animation? I alreday tried to import all my clip animation in one maya file but my NURBS Controlers were not exported… any ideas?