Can you export Unity frames at 1920x1080 PRORES 422 HQ 25fps? About to embark upon a TVC and have been requested this format. Or wld i run the frames through a third party software? Such as Fusion, or After Effects? This is my first job of this nature and the Post guys aren’t familiar with this new way of doing things.
Hi @mafuf5 , you can not export directly in ProRes 422 HQ yet from Unity Recorder.
You can export image sequences in 1920x1080 @ 25 FPS and then you would feed the frames to a third party app. You can go from image sequences to videos with commercial solutions, but also using open-source tools like ffmpeg. Here is an example to get MP4 from an image sequence.
If you want to get an MP4 or HVEC file directly, you can also try out NatCorder. It’s quite pricey, but I was able to record the Unity screen with it.
Unity Recorder already supports H.264 (MP4) and VP9 (WEBM), and it is free.
Unity Recorder allows you to export image sequences, that you can then feed to another encoder for ProRes.
Does Unity Recorder also have a Scripting API so it can be activated at runtime? Our use-case is to record audio and video directly inside an iOS and Android app.
No you can’t record from a built game: you need to be in the Editor. Therefore, it doesn’t run on iOS and Android games.
There are plans to make it run from within a game, but that has wide implications for the licensing of the codec/container technologies, if those platforms are really supported (i.e., not all platforms support all codecs).
Ok thanks, that is how I understand the Unity Recorder.
Thanks for all your help!