Expose Audio Mixer Sends to Scripting - Broken?

Hi all,
I’ve just been trying to create and audio environment, where the ambience applied to sounds within it can change depending on where the player’s character is in the world.

I realise I could use Reverb Zones to achieve this, but sadly, they’re always spherical, and can’t be routed back into the mixer - so therefore cannot act as prefader effects, so that isn’t going to work.
So instead, I wish to set up planes within the environment which trigger scripted control over the effects sends within the mixer.

What happens when I try to do this is hugely disappointing.
Despite having written scripts, attached them to planes and making that side of the situation work as expected. I now find that when I expose Mixer Sends to scripting, the exposed parameters break the very second I hit Play on the game.

Is anyone else having this problem? I seem to get this issue even if I simply make a new Unity project with a single mixer channel with a send, and one with a receive. I expose the send to scripting and see a “MyExposedParam - Mix Level (of channel Send)”, correct. But when I hit play, and then stop on the game, it will then say “MyExposedParam - Error Finding Parameter Path”.

Things like this make me feel like I’m going mad, I need to know I’m not pls halp.

For anyone interested, I’ve since found this in the Issue Tracker and apparently it’s fixed in the next version of Unity.

It’s working sort of with a workaround. This appears to be an issue on sends and isn’t fixed as of 5.2. The editor still shows exposed parameters in the pop up list for “send levels”, “Error finding Parameter path.”

However: audioMixer.SetFloat (“SomeName”, value) is working. I did find that there was an anomaly where it would change other exposed parameters seemingly at random. Most of which I had renamed to more than 20 characters. Acting on a hunch, I thought that possible my relatively long names were causing issues. I shortened them to no more than 14 characters and the random changes on other parameters went away.