Extend leaf pixels for correct alphas in Photoshop?

A lot of the preset textures in Unity, particularly leaves for tree, are set up in the following way. First, they’ve got an alpha channel that cuts them out. Second, they’ve got the original file, which has color pixels extending outward, so that when the alpha is cut out it will have the correct color.

Does anyone know how to accomplish this “extend pixels” effect in Photoshop?

On a related note, is there a way to have alpha blend premultiply (alpha goes dark, rather than light, when interpolating) like in Blender?

There’s a wealth of info here


Including a link in the answers that covers foliage.

Oh and a interesting video tutorial from Blurst/Flashbang Studios who have a technique I haven’t tried yet but might be promising.


Use the free Solidify plugin from Flaming Pear.


What an old-school-looking website! :shock:

Where’d you learn about this? Doesn’t look like something that’s aiming to appeal to a mass modern audience.

They’ve been around for years and years. Their plug-ins run on Mac OS 9, for example (or at least they used to…they seem to have removed those from their website, which otherwise looks unchanged from the early 2000s).
