Extending Mesh Renderer Component with a custom Editor

I would like to add some fields to what I see in the custom editor of a Mesh Renderer component. So I started by simply doing this:

[CustomEditor(typeof(MeshRenderer), true)]
public class MeshRendererEditor : Editor
    public override void OnInspectorGUI()
        // Show default inspector property editor

I was hoping that would essentially show me the exact view that I had prior to adding the custom editor. This is not the case, what I see is:

But what I had as default was this:

There are obvious formatting changes. With things grouped into collapsable sections. But there are also missing parameters like lightmap Parameters which is empty in the default view.

I don’t really care to recreate the wheel to try to have the same view as the default before a custom editor is provided, is there a way to

  1. Draw the default as it is shown without a custom editor plugged in?
  2. Code that is used by Unity to draw the editor for Mesh Renderer exactly as the default looks?


Does this help?

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Maybe. this certainly would have been helpful:

hi the solution is mix the last two links.

replacing the function OnEnable with :

    void OnEnable()
        defaultEditor = CreateEditor(targets, Type.GetType("UnityEditor.MeshRendererEditor, UnityEditor"));
        _TargetMeshRenderer = target as MeshRenderer;