Extensible build profiles & Import settings


We now have build profiles but they dont have ability to add custom pre and/or post steps
while this is in plan for future I waht to ask about

Import Options profiles

Instead of having import options per platform we need import option per import profile may be different set of profile for different asset types like one set for textures on set foe audio etc.

Se we can create Texture Import Profiles like: ARM_ASTC, INTEL_DXT, SERVER_STUB and so on
and then setup settings once for all arm devices once for x86 devices without need to write scripts that copy settings back and forth.

Q: Is something like this planned in U6 or U-Next?

Having UnityEvent callbacks for pre-post would be nice. I have custom tooling for games I work on to do this.

Hi folks, thanks for this feedback, these are requests for build profiles that we have heard before but it’s always good to hear them again. I will add these reqests to our existing tasks in our product backlog which will aid in our planning for future versions of Unity.

Regarding the pre/post build scripts, for now it’s still possible to use the existing mechanisms for preprocessing and posprocessing builds and to use the build profile API to detect if a build profile is active. You can also use these in conjuntion with per-profile scripting defines to get specific behaviour in these pre/post build steps.

Thanks again!