Extract RealityKit content from visionOS export

Since PolySpatial translates from Unity into RealityKit, I am wondering if there’s a way to extract the results of this translation (i.e. the RealityKit content) out of an export, so .usdz models or MaterialX shader graphs can be used in native visionOS apps as well?

Not really, no.

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You can access the exported MaterialX shader graphs (in USDA format, which is what we transfer to RealityKit) in your project folder under Library/ShaderGraphs/Assets/(path to shader graph asset).usda or Library/ShaderGraphs/Packages/(package name–e.g., com.unity.polyspatial)/(path of shader graph within package).usda. These are more useful for debugging than for direct use in other projects, since they may rely on (for example) global parameters provided by Unity.

I don’t think there’s a way to export a USD scene directly from RealityKit.

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