I’m working on a research project and got bugged in a corner, if anyone can give some guidelines it would be very appreciated. The values I’m trying to extract are in right hand system.
So lets say I have a Cube and there are forces applied to it (like water and buoyancy or gravity and
elasticity/resilience). I need to know what is the velocity, acceleration, angular velocity and angular acceleration and rotation matrix of the Cube. I accept 2 relative points World(W) and Body(B).
So if I got everything about Unity right. velocity is simple:
x’(B),y’(B),z’(B) - which is exactly rigidbody.velocity Vector3.
same goes for angular Velocity it would be equal to rigidbody.angularVelocity Vector3.
Next come the accelerations - since Unity does not provide a Vector for those (or does it?) I assumed I need to calculate them.
So a acceleration Vector would be a function derived from last object velocity:
Vector3 acceleration = (ownerRB.velocity - lastVelocity) / Time.fixedDeltaTime;
Same for angular acceleration
Vector3 angularAcceleration = (ownerRB.angularVelocity - lastAngularVelocity) / Time.fixedDeltaTime;
I’m assuming that speeds are m/s and radians/s while accelerations m/s2 and radians/s2
Please correct me if I’m wrong anywhere.
So now comes the biggest pinch I have :
I need a Matrix of directional cosines aka World to Body Rotation Matrix which is a 3x3 matrix.
What would be the most effective way to obtain this? I see that unity provides something like
rigidbody.transform.worldToLocalMatrix - however it seems it is not helpful.
So the next method I assume would be best is to calculate this from eulerAngles (which is a pain)
Assuming that Xb = Rw->b * Xw and Rw->b^T = Rw->b^-1 = Rb->w
So My Matrix would look like the below(? I’m absolutley not sure about it)
m00 = cos(z)*cos(x)+sin(z)*sin(y)*sin(x)
m01 = cos(x)*sin(z)*sin(y)-sin(x)*cos(z)
m02 = cos(y)*sin(z)
m10 = cos(y)*sin(x)
m11 = cos(x)*cos(y)
m12 = -sin(y)
m20 = sin(x)*cos(z)*sin(y)-sin(z)*cos(x)
m21 = sin(z)*sin(x)+cos(x)*cos(z)*sin(y)
m22 = cos(y)*cos(z)
If anyone could help with getting around those transformation this would be appreciated.