Extremely Annoying Unity Distortion Problem

I have been working with unity since sometime last year and this has never happened. Out of nowhere, while in scene view the terrain became dramatically distorted. I held off from reporting this for about four months because I had seemed to have gotten somewhat used to this change. Now, after submitting an RPG ToolKit into the asset store, the distortion has become worse and everything in the scene is somehow slightly tilted to one side. I can’t let things go any farther (and you couldn’t imagine how annoying this is) so I decided that it was time that I ask the Unity community. I will include a screenshot of this problem:

This is a plain terrain in which has been painted so that you may see it easier.

Right click on the camera rotation axis tool on the upper right of your screen, click on the Perspective item.

Alternatively, click on the cube in the center of that tool.

It’s not a bug, not a problem, you are just in the orthographic mode.