Extremely Long Shader Compilation Times


Hello there. I’ve switched to the “Forward +” renderer, along with Vulkan to do a new build of my project. I’ve also updated from Unity 2022 → Unity 6. The update went smooth enough outside of a few minor things.

I am aware the first build always takes a bit for the shaders to compile, however I recall in Unity 2022 it was definitely less than 12 hours. Was just wondering if this is a norm? This time seems a bit excessive for the projects size. Especially when comparing it to old first build times. Graphically the project hasn’t had a lot added onto it since the original first build on 2022.

PC Specs
CPU: AMD Ryzen 7 3700X 8-Core 3.59GHz
GPU: Nvidia 2080 Super
RAM: 16 GB

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Oh man, you just broke the Unreal Engine’s world records with that!

lol it completed at about 86ish hours. Wild.

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I’m also getting insane shader build times. My project is still pretty small and it just took NINTEEN hours to do the shader variants on an i9-12900K.

What’s worse, is I flipped the addressable state on some of the shaders and now it appears to have forgotten that it ever compiled them so now I need to wait almost another whole day to build the client.

This isn’t practical at all.

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