Eye Adaptation

Does Unity 5 support Eye Adaptation for its cameras? I see that G.I. is now support, but what about Eye Adaptation?

Im debating between Unity 5 and Unreal 4, so I’m weighting the pros and cons on the features.

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Tonemapping is a standard image effect which has been in Unity for ages now (in the standard image effects). Just pick “adaptive reinhard” as the tonemapping type.

Rant Starts:
eye adaption is an unreal engine buzzword actually. its called tonemapping as Phobic said. unreal uses a lot of buzzwordy names for things to avoid saying that they are in fact really standard effects. for example there SSS effect is actually just a form of light wrapping(an effect common on mobile devices). i have to give unreal’s marketing team credit for being able to spin anything to sound amazing. “HEY GUYS! PROGRAM YOUR GAMEPLAY IN C++!” translates too “our scripting system doesn’t support most gameplay required features. so have fun writing gameplay in a language designed for hardware programming.”, “Deffered pass reflection probes!” fine print: “doesn’t support transparent objects (no glass for you!)”. i don’t say this to hate on unreal. just to warn of the fact they use a lot of buzzwords to hide what there engine actually does. blueprint doesn’t support anything that isn’t an object. they don’t support prefabs. Engine crashes every 5 min. etc…
Rant Ends:

however. unreal has one major thing unity doesn’t have. an artist focus. unity is a programming first engine. unreal is a graphics first engine. if your an artist than i would recommend unreal. its more like an art program than a game engine. if you want to focus on gameplay. than choose unity. i recommend TeslaDev(Unreal) and PushyPixels(Unity) for tutorials. unreal has almost no good C++ tutorials and doesn’t have a good documentation from what I’ve seen. so be aware of that. community is mostly artists. so if your stumped by something you will most likely have to figure it out yourself. unity is mostly programmers and the art workflow(even with unity 5) is not that great. one thing i like about the unity art pipeline is the auto-reload. makes it really easy to just back and forth from an art program. but that said you will probably have to program your own shader’s or buy one of the amazing shader packs on the asset store(skyshop is recommended). unity has a bad-ass 2D system, UI is also amazing(and open source). Unreal has stuff like the Material editor, blueprints are pretty fun to play with(however they do lack alot of power =<), particle editor is really good plus there rolling out a new node based particle editor, ace level editing tools, etc… you can see the focus of each engine though. unreal is very artist focused(mostly AAA focused). Unity is very programming/scripting focused(mostly Indie focused). if you are planning on making they next AAA FPS then unreal will be perfect. if your planning on something than plays on more challenging to make mechanics than Unity is the place.


Eye Adaptation in UE4 is actually looking much better since it’s a temporal (animated) effect.
It reacts much more “realistically” like the eye-retina would do :
When you stand for a long time in a dark room, the tonemapping is animating over time.

Just look at the recent Unreal Paris virtual tour v1.2 demo and you’ll see that U5 needs it’s own “Temporal Tonemapping” !

Would make archviz looks very cool actually (makes you feel “ok this room is full of sunlight, this one is not”)


Unity’s is animated too (…?) You can change the speed of adaptation in the inspector.

Yeah was about to say, just change the adaption speed. But hey don’t let anyone tell you that Unity’s any good at anything :stuck_out_tongue:

unity’s effect is script based while unreal’s is shader based. there’s relies on sampling a frame cache(not great performance funnily enough). unity’s performs a lerp in exposure. gives far more control and range, at much cheaper cost. i also refer to my post above. unreal is an artist focused engine and is mostly designed to make pretty looking scenes. so what happens what you give artists an art tool? the same thing that happens with every art program. pretty pictures get made. flip to unity and you see nothing but games and prototypes. why do you think that is? might be because unity is programming first and when you give programmers a game making tool you have a tendency to see a lot of games happen. i personally will be making games and have confidence in my art to still look good without buzzwords and overdone lens flares.

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