I have noticed strange behaviors when using the F key to focus a gameobject in the editor. I am using Pro 2.5 version in OSX Leopard.
Frecuently when I hit F on the Scene window to focus an object the camera fly away very far from the object selected ¿???
With 2.1 that worked OK in the same cases…
Also, now is very difficult to navigate-forward ( in the editor) in the z axis with the mouse wheel, and the scene “dissapear” in the process…(a problem with the far clipping of the camera??)
I reported a bug in which focus doesn’t work properly if there’s a trail renderer in the hierarchy. When you press F in that situation, it focuses on the world origin as well as your object, which can result in it zooming out a long way. Hopefully this will be addressed in the next version as it’s rather annoying.
I hear that there’s at least one other similar case, but I forget the details… maybe something to do with skinned meshes?
If you’re seeing something else entirely, it’d be a good idea to figure out exactly where the problem is coming from by removing objects and components from the affected hierarchy until it starts working correctly. Once you know what’s happening, file a bug report with the details and, ideally, a simple project which is set up to demonstrate it.
In the meantime, I’ve been able to work around my problem by focussing on a child GameObject which doesn’t have a trail renderer on it. That at least takes me to somewhere relevant.
Yes, my objects have a trail renderer in the hierarchy.
It is the same bug. Thanks NCarter.
We had a bug where framing a disabled particle system would inclyde the world origin that I fixed in one of the 2.5 RC builds (I believe it was filed by you, Neil).
Have you submitted this one as a bug with the bug reporter? Having all these critters in one place makes things so much faster for us.
Yup, it was filed as case 165555.