Fitting to fill Scene view, when having an object selected in the Scene View, should permit the use of the F shortcut.
Also when the Animation timelines are the focus of input, too!
It doesn’t work in either case:
Mac, Unity 2022.3.1
Fitting to fill Scene view, when having an object selected in the Scene View, should permit the use of the F shortcut.
Also when the Animation timelines are the focus of input, too!
It doesn’t work in either case:
Mac, Unity 2022.3.1
1: Have you tried a more recent version?
2: Have you reported a bug?
I’m on a PC and I haven’t used 2022.3 yet as my current project is 2021.3, and I’d be crazy to update major versions at this stage.
I’m just going through the usual steps. There’s point pointing out a bug in a version three versions behind if you haven’t tested if it’s present in the current major version. And if it is, then you should report a bug.
Have you seen usability things like this fixed because of bug reports?
I filed a bug report for this back in 2019. That’s why the “still…” in the title.
There is NO EVIDENCE that filing bug reports for common problems, big issues and work flows helps, at all.
And what do you think not putting in a bug report will accomplish?
Apart from wasting my time reading more of your annoying posts.
That’s not enough of an accomplishment?
And what was the response to the bug report? No response? I can understand the ire there. If they couldn’t reproduce it, that’s understandable too.
No multiply this by about 3 dozen. That’s a conservative number of my personal, reproduced bugs that have been blown off, ignored or won’t fix.
Probably about the same number of workflow flails, like this example, or more.
And then there’s regressions. Like the spacebar not working properly when all but a certain part of the Animation Window is clicked for a specific focus. etc.
Does the F key work for you when the Animation Window or Hierarchy Window are the focus, on a PC?
It’s always worked for me in every context. It’s important to note it only works when your mouse is actually over the scene view window. Have you just never realised that?
Not on a Mac. It’s behaviour is not as you, nor I, expect.
Thanks for the attempts at gaslighting.
F on Hierarchy Window does work (I’m on a Mac and using 2021) when I have selected something in the hierarchy and the pointer is over the hierarchy pressing F does the following: If I use a mouse, the hierarchy smoothly scrolls so that the selected GO is in view, if I’m using a trackpad it spazzes out a few times and on repeated presses it works, so generally it’s of above average Unity quality.
But maybe I’m missing something, can you describe what behaviour you’re expecting and is not happening for you?
2022 LTS: nada. Nothing happens when pressing F after a hierarchy selection, nor if an object is selected in the hierarchy and the mouse/pointer/trackpad is anywhere on the screen.
This behaviour you describe, of the hierarchy eventually revealing the object selected in the hierarchy would be useful. Never seen this happen, in all my time using Unity. I have to scroll to find the selected object all the time, because Unity loses its hierarchical position when going in and out of play mode, in and out of being the app focused and when saving.
I expect F key shortcut to focus on the object in the Scene view, regardless of mouse position and window/panel focus. Just like it does in Maya, the app they copied this function from.
The only time F works, for me, is when I select an object in the Scene View with the pointer, or select another object in the scene view (example when I can’t see the object currently selected in the scene view view) and then use UNDO to reselect the prior object. Otherwise it does nothing.
Pressing F steals focus and puts it over whatever window the pointer is over.
Uh, no?
Other windows are also listening for input and may also want the F-key for input, such as the inspector. The hierarchy window focusing on the selected object in the hierarchy (as in it scrolls to it), for example, which makes sense. So if the mouse is over them, they get input over the scene view.
So not a bug at all.
Edit: A lot of other 3d programs, such as Blender, work this way too. As most windows have a lot of cross-over in their hotkeys, and whatever window your mouse is over is the one that swallows up input.
And in Maya (the origin of this shortcut’s key and operation) and Blender, the focus operation FOCUSES on the OBJECT in the Scene view, regardless of the “focus” of panels/windows.
Please stop trying to make Unity’s failure here to be somehow rightful behaviour. The F shortcut doesn’t have another purpose. It’s Focus and Shift+F is Follow. They’re both related to focusing on the object in the Scene view. If they do anything else, or nothing at all, they’re not working. Not doing something that’s correct for you, just not working.
Does this not work for you, or are you expecting something different to happen? I’m not super clear still:
This is on 2022
This is broken behaviour, then. The purpose of this shortcut is to focus on the currently selected object in Scene views. Not focus on panels and windows. This is made more clear by the Shift+F associated Follow extension of the Focus-on-Object feature to Focus-And-Follow-The-Object.
That’s not at all true in the context of Blender, at all. I literally just opened up the latest version of Blender, and it doesn’t do this, and it never has (been using Blender well over a decade). Unity has always worked this way and you’ve just never figured it out.
Stop making stuff up. This is your opinion as to how things should work, it is not a bug.