Hi there,
I was wondering if there was any way to export the recording data and import into maya?
Or is there any way of cleaning up the data in Unity?
Hi there,
I was wondering if there was any way to export the recording data and import into maya?
Or is there any way of cleaning up the data in Unity?
I do simple editing using the Animation window - REALLY simple editing. But there is a “FBX Exporter” in Unity… could you perhaps export as an FBX file (with animation clips) and load that into Maya? I have never tried it - I don’t use FBX or Maya!
I had a quick look at exporting out with the FBX exporter, but the animations don’t get exported with face capture since its animating through ARKIT Face Actor script rather than directly through the blend shapes.
I think I recall a thread suggesting Unity might create a script to convert the face actor stuff to an animation clip or similar. I did not pay much attention at the time to be honest, but nicer Maya etc integration might interest them!
You could write the blendshapes keys and values into a text file and parse it in Maya to build the values to the correct keys of your 3D model.