FaceBook 3D Album Gallery

Hey gang,
we are happy to announce the release of our first FaceBook app using Unity. If you are a facebook member you can try it out here

This will display a list of your albums and all your friends albums, you then select one and it will load all the album images into our new 3D Art gallery and let you walk around and view the photos in 3D.

If you see any problems, let us know…

First of many facebook apps :slight_smile:

Jeff White

That’s quite a cool novelty.

Thanks, we kinda think so too :slight_smile: We should soon be releasing our 3D chat room as well on facebook, myspace and others…

Unity rules!


You won’t be releasing anything on MySpace as they don’t allow apps with plugins. We’re talking with them now, but they are very conservative, unlike FaceBook.

Well we created an app and it is working on myspace, but it has not been published yet. So unless they reject it on publish, it seems to work ok…

We have a few on MySpace too, but you’re right, the publishing is where they reject you. You’ll get a message that says something like “Application requires client download and has been rejected”.

Hopefully this will change in the near future, once the Unity plug-in passes the security eval.

Best regards