Facebook Invitable Friends profile picture

Hey, I am trying to get the Profile Picture of the Facebook friends of the user who are not yet playing the game. I have retrieved their usernames successfully and just stuck on getting the profile picture. here is the code I am using (I followed this tutorial here )

using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
using UnityEngine.UI;
using Facebook.Unity;

using System.Collections.Generic;

public class FBLogin : MonoBehaviour {

	public GameObject login;
	public GameObject notLogin;
	public GameObject friend;

	void Awake()
		if (!FB.IsInitialized) {
			FB.Init (InitCallBack);

	void InitCallBack()
		print ("FB has Been Initialised");

	public void Login()
		if (!FB.IsLoggedIn) {
			FB.LogInWithReadPermissions(new List<string>{"user_friends"}, LoginCallBack);

	 void LoginCallBack(ILoginResult result){
		if (result.Error == null) {
			Debug.Log ("Fb logged in!");
			login.SetActive (true);
			notLogin.SetActive (false);
			FB.API ("me/picture?width=100&height=100", HttpMethod.GET, PictureCallBack);
			FB.API ("me?fields=first_name", HttpMethod.GET, NameCallBack);
			FB.API ("me/invitable_friends", HttpMethod.GET, FriendCallBack);

		} else {
			login.SetActive (false);

	void PictureCallBack(IGraphResult result)
		Texture2D image = result.Texture;
		login.transform.FindChild ("Image").GetComponent<Image> ().sprite = Sprite.Create (image, new Rect (0, 0, 100, 100), new Vector2 (.5f, .5f));

	void NameCallBack(IGraphResult result)
		IDictionary<string,object> profile = result.ResultDictionary;

		login.transform.GetChild (0).GetComponent<Text> ().text = "Hello, " + profile ["first_name"];
	public void LogOut()
		FB.LogOut ();
		login.SetActive (false);
		notLogin.SetActive (true);


	public void Invite (){
		FB.AppRequest (message: "You Really should try this game.", title: "Covens");

	public void Share(){
		FB.ShareLink (new System.Uri ("http://www.raincrowstudios.com/"), "This game is awesome!", "Discription about the game", new System.Uri ("http://www.raincrowstudios.com/images/covens_mast825.png"));
	void FriendCallBack(IGraphResult result)
		IDictionary<string, object> data = result.ResultDictionary;
		List<object> friends = (List<object>)data ["data"];
		foreach (object obj in friends) {
			Dictionary<string,object> dictio = (Dictionary<string,object>)obj;
			CreateFriend(dictio ["name"].ToString () , dictio ["id"].ToString());

	void CreateFriend(string name, string id){
		GameObject myFriend = Instantiate (friend);
		Transform parent = login.transform.FindChild("users");
		myFriend.transform.SetParent (parent);
		myFriend.transform.localScale = new Vector3 (1, 1, 1);
		myFriend.GetComponentInChildren<Text> ().text = name;
		FB.API ("me/invitable_friends/access_token="+id+"?fields=picture?width=100&height=100", HttpMethod.GET, delegate(IGraphResult result) {
			myFriend.GetComponent<Image> ().sprite = Sprite.Create (result.Texture, new Rect (0, 0, 100, 100), new Vector2 (.5f, .5f));


I tried a bunch of ways to get the profile pictures none worked, I can’t find the right syntax for it, would really appreciate it if someone can help me with this.


When calling the method FB.API, you should also specify which fields (what data) you’d like the call to return. Here’s an example:

FB.API ("/me/invitable_friends?limit=5000&fields=id,name,picture.width(65).height(60).type(normal)", HttpMethod.GET, response => OnInvitableFriendsResponse);

Here, i am calling the invitable_friends API, and ask it to return certain fields about my invitable friends (id, name, picture).

You should then look at how the data is returned in jSON. the picture property contains a bunch of fields (width, height and a picture URL which you can use to retrieve the friend profile picture).

This works! just got it to work today thank after lots of searches :slight_smile:

                FB.API("https" + "://graph.facebook.com/" + user["id"].ToString() + "/picture?type=large", HttpMethod.GET, delegate (IGraphResult result)
                     fImage.overrideSprite = Sprite.Create(result.Texture, new Rect(0, 0, 200 , 125), new Vector2(0.5f, 0.5f), 100);