Facebook invite's not working

What happens when the game is making the AppRequest call? do you get any FB dialog at that time ?
Also, is your app id configured in Unity properly ? (every FB app has an ID that you should set).

The application Id is set properly.
Hashes are setup.
I get the popup, click on a friend to invite, the callback is executed.
Friend never gets notification.

Callback shows the following:


In desperate need for a solution, was supposed to go live yesterday morning :expressionless:

Are you testing this on a device with FB app installed?
Can you test on a device without a FB app? i’ve seen different behaviuors sometimes… i wonder if that would give any different result.

Also did you try to send to different friends to see if that makes any difference ?

The issue was resolved after re-creating the application in the facebook app developer section, I’m not sure what the problem was; However another problem persists. Whenever a use clicks on the invitation they’re directed here:

Clicking the “Mobile Preview” in the App Details section of the Development console also shows this, any ideas?

is your game released to the google play store already?
Also, is the game package name configured correctly?

Yes it is, and yes I have the package name set up exactly how it is referenced on the store. Or at-least I believe so. Here’s the play store link:


Here’s the settings in Unity:

Added information:

We also have an App page set up with the links to our application which can be found here: Redirecting...

This page is linked in the developer panel.

We’re now paying for a fix

Hi, did you ever fix this? We’re having the same problem. Game is setup as a public alpha on Google Play, the fb.me link works, yet Facebook completely refuses to send the invite.

hey, did you get any solution for this?

Yes, I hired Lior to fix it for me.