Hey guys,
Perhaps a very noob question, but I have an idea of how to integrate Facebook into unity and create a leaderboard with a user’s friends and whatnot, but the part that I am stuck on is actually on the Facebook end, when you have to go on developers.facebook.com and create an app and select a platform and yadayadayada. My app is going to be available for both Android and iOS, but on Facebook it makes me choose either Android or iOS as the platform for my game, not both. Therefore my question is, do I make two games on developers.facebook.com each for their respective platform (iOS and Android) and then put both App ID’s into unity, or do I just choose one and then only have one App ID in unity and it will somehow work for both platforms? I’m fairly confused. I just want a leaderboard that has a your friends name, picture and high score, no matter whether or not they have an iphone or android. I don’t want the two platforms to be segregated in terms of scores. Thanks for your help in advance!
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When i implement the score API in iOS build the game crashed But in android it works. Any solution for it.
For IOS we should any thing setting changes in editor or in build.
can u plz guide how to create face book leaderboard using a database.