I have a client that wants to login through Facebook, then enter the game.
There is a packague for me to buy, how can i do that, please?
Third result from googling “unity facebook login”: Unity SDK - Documentation - Meta for Developers
Yep. You’ll need to get the Facebook unity sdk and integrate that into your project. It comes with example scenes to show you how to do login, get friend info, get user info, do iap through FB, etc.
You will also have to set up a Facebook developer account and setup the app on Facebook depending on what platform you are on. If on mobile, there are some other settings you have to adjust and input.
unity publish for Android and IOs, i need to login througth facebook, then jump to the game, is possible? after login in facebook?
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I have done Gmail Log In , Facebook LogIn , Twitter LogIn in Unity Games. Now i am working on Instagram.Check Out.
Facebook LogIn