Hey, Has anyone got facebook publish_actions to work on the latest version of unity using the FacebookSDK from the asset store?
I’ve been going round in circles on it all day. I can’t figure out what’s gone wrong. I’ve gotten to the point where I tried just put a copy of MainMenu.cs from the example MainMenu scene straight into my project. When I test in editor it’s fine. It’s just the normal mock dialgoue stuff but it goes through ok. When I click sign in with permissions on the phone it the whole application closes down.
The line of code that breaks is > FB.LogInWithPublishPermissions(new List() { “publish_actions” }, this.HandleResult);
Does anyone have any clues in an overall general sense of where I’m going wrong or what I could look at. I wanna go back to making my game - I’m tired of this
publish_actions is a critical permission, you can’t use it before submitting your fully functional app to facebook for a review, after review if facebook will let you know if you can use this permission or not
score posted to the fb{“error”:{“message”:“(#200) Requires extended permission: publish_actions”,“type”:“OAuthException”,“code”:200,“fbtrace_id”:“GzxnHszXQ9v”}}
FacebookTest:m__0(IGraphResult) (at Assets/Scripts/FacebookTest.cs:193)
I got this error. I think its because facebook graph API has exempted publish_action permission by default and you cannot use this permission without submitting your application on facebook application dashboard.
I don’t think this is possible anymore. According to Facebook:
“The publish_actions permission has been removed. Apps that have already been approved for publish_actions can continue using the permission until August 1st, 2018. If you want to provide a way for your app users to share content to Facebook and Instagram beyond this date, we encourage you to use our Sharing products instead.”
Facebook SDK for Unity is also deprecated and you will no longer see “publish_actions” in Facebook App review. If anyone finds a solution please share. Thanks