I’ve imported Facebook SDK 7.9.0 into the project, and cannot get it to build either for Android or IOS. It seems to compile ok, I get no errors within Unity and no errors when exporting the project to Xcode. Xcode also builds the project successfully with no errors.
I’ve set the -fno-objc-arc compile flag for FBUnityInterface.h and .mm as advised by an older thread but this hasn’t made any difference.
Huh. weirdly, I was all set to go “Yes I’ve checked that a hundred times” so I thought I’d check the Compact Log just to see if it shows me anything different.
Turns out, in this instance (although not in others, in particular with Chartboost) it actually shows more information than the Full Log. Which I don’t understand.
Compact Log:
977: [Unity] Exception: [Fabric] Twitter requires iOS 7+. Please change the Target iOS Version in Player Settings to iOS 7 or higher.
978: [Unity] at Fabric.Internal.Editor.Utils.Error (System.String format, System.Object[ ] list) [0x00012] in /BUILD_PATH/puzzlerredhill.namegame.ios-stage/NameGamePrototype/Assets/Fabric/Editor/FabricUtils.cs:23
979: [Unity] UnityEngine.Debug:LogWarning(Object)
980: ! build of ‘ios-stage’ failed. compile failed
981: publishing finished successfully.
982: Finished: FAILURE
Full Log:
9592: ! Unity player export failed!
9593: ! build of ‘ios-stage’ failed. compile failed
9594: Publishing build 224 of puzzlerredhill/namegame for target ‘ios-stage’…
9595: publishing finished successfully.
9596: uninstalling iOS credentials for puzzlerredhill/namegame - ios-stage
9597: MAC verified OK
9598: Removing certificate…
9599: removing: /BUILD_PATH/Library/MobileDevice/Provisioning Profiles/2f99f265-dab9-43ea-aff6-214488eb034e.mobileprovision
9600: done.
9601: Build step ‘Execute shell’ marked build as failure
9602: postbuildstatus finished successfully.
9603: Finished: FAILURE
At least I have something to go on now, cheers for giving me the idea to check the compact log. I’ve set the minimum IOS version up from 6.0 to 7.0 based on the error message shown in the compact log, fingers cross that works, at least that’ll be Twitter out of the way then.
Good to hear. no idea about the different log types, they do some filtering, so i guess it’s always worth to check all options to see if anything shows up.