Hello, I am trying to integrate the facebook plugin with Unity 6. I tried 17.0.1 with Unity 6. I get the following errors after I imported the package. Is there a version which works with Unity6 ? or is it being addressed to work with it. Am I missing something else ?
Thanks all for any input in this!
Assembly ‘Assets/FacebookSDK/Plugins/Editor/Facebook.Unity.Editor.dll’ will not be loaded due to errors:
Reference has errors ‘Facebook.Unity’.
Not enough info to say for sure, but my wild guess would be you’re missing iOS target installed and Facebook is a crossplatform plugin.
If that’s not the case - share Editor.log.
Thanks for the response, gave me an idea about what the issue was.
I had all the targets installed but my Library was an old one. I had to delete my Library folder. Unity recreated it when I opened my project again and all the errors are gone. It seems good so far, will update if not.