Facebook SDK notifications not working

Is my understanding correct?..
If you use the Facebook SDK in your Unity project, and you use the AppRequest feature (or even the AppInvite feature) to send a request to a Facebook friend, NO notification will be sent, and the friend will have no idea you sent the request, unless the following things have been setup?:

  1. In the Facebook Developer dashboard you need to make your app Public?
  2. In the Facebook Developer dashboard you need to Submit For Approval?
  3. You will only be successfully approved if your Unity game can also run in browser on Facebook.com?
  4. You will not be successfully approved if your Unity game only runs on mobile?

Thank you

I just figured it out! In the Facebook Developer console online, go to Settings → Basic. Then Add Platform, “Facebook Canvas”. Turn on the setting called “Auto Targeting for App Notifications”. It will also insist on a value for “Secure Canvas URL”… for now I just entered “https://localhost/fb/”. But I’ll have to change that to a legit value before go live, because that is causing Facebook users in a browser to be redirected to a blank page after clicking Accept on a request.
Anyway, now the notifications are working!

Great! By the way, do you happen to know how to get the user’s location / country through Facebook SDK? I’ve been able to get their name, age etc. but for location it doesn’t work. Thanks!