Is my understanding correct?..
If you use the Facebook SDK in your Unity project, and you use the AppRequest feature (or even the AppInvite feature) to send a request to a Facebook friend, NO notification will be sent, and the friend will have no idea you sent the request, unless the following things have been setup?:
- In the Facebook Developer dashboard you need to make your app Public?
- In the Facebook Developer dashboard you need to Submit For Approval?
- You will only be successfully approved if your Unity game can also run in browser on
- You will not be successfully approved if your Unity game only runs on mobile?
Thank you
I just figured it out! In the Facebook Developer console online, go to Settings → Basic. Then Add Platform, “Facebook Canvas”. Turn on the setting called “Auto Targeting for App Notifications”. It will also insist on a value for “Secure Canvas URL”… for now I just entered “https://localhost/fb/”. But I’ll have to change that to a legit value before go live, because that is causing Facebook users in a browser to be redirected to a blank page after clicking Accept on a request.
Anyway, now the notifications are working!
Great! By the way, do you happen to know how to get the user’s location / country through Facebook SDK? I’ve been able to get their name, age etc. but for location it doesn’t work. Thanks!