Facebook Unity SDK login fails when requesting public_profile and the FB app is installed

The subj saids it all …

I just downloaded the friend smash example but it wouldnt login on the phone.

I discoverd in logcat this puzzling line:
W/fb4a ):BlueServiceQueue(31850): com.facebook.http.protocol.ApiException: invalid permissions: public_profile

So I removed the permission from the login call
FB.Login(“email,publish_actions,user_friends”, LoginCallback);

And hey presto it worked…

It also works fine when the FB app isn’t installed on the device.

Kind of strange since i found this int the Documentation

“On the web, public_profile is implied with every request and isn’t required, although the best practice is to include it. On iOS and Android, you must manually request it.”

Am I really the only one with this problem ?

It seems like something that would be all over google … ?

Nobody ?