Fade between two 360 video background skyboxes

I want to be able to switch between two Panoramic skyboxes with 360 video on them withan effect where one video fades into the other on command. How would I accomplish this?

You can do that with the Unity Animator, you will have to create an Animator for the cameras to share, then create a parameter in that Animator to switch between the cameras, and if true then camera 1 is on, and if false then camera 2 is on.

Next, in the timeline you would want to grab both cameras and find out how many seconds you want the fade to be; you would be able to fade to black then fade in the next camera, or just fade directly into the next camera.

If you’ve never used the Unity Animator, watch this video to get an understanding of what I’m talking about; you could code everything I just said, but this is much easier and offers much more control:

In that video the person shows how to change individual components of objects, you would just change camera’s backgroundcolorAlpha to 0 on the fade out and to 1 on the fade in.

I don’t know how you plan on calling the switch, but on that command you could put this script on both of your cameras; I don’t have access to Unity right now to test this out, but it should work exactly like you want it to.:

using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;

public class SwitchCameras: MonoBehaviour 
Animator anim;
bool camera1; 

public Camera camera1;
public Camera camera2;

void Start()
anim = GetComponent<Animator>();
camera1.backgroundColor.alpha = 1;
camera2.backgroundColor.alpha = 0;

public void SwitchCameras
     camera1= !camera1;
     anim.SetBool ( "SwitchCameras", camera1 );