Fade Camera

Hey everyone, I’m looking for a simple way to make the main camera in the scene, to fade in from black. So basically, I press play, and the scene starts from a black screen, then 2 seconds after its back to the normal scene.

Here are some links that might actually help someone:

  1. Answer using OnGui
  2. Wiki article
  3. Another answer using OnGui

The method is quite similar on all of them, you want to draw a texture in front of the camera that gradually goes from being transparent to black.

Posted as a separate answer for visibility

push the space bar…

	Texture2D blk;
	public bool fade;
	public float alph;
	void Start(){
		//make a tiny black texture
		blk = new Texture2D (1, 1);
		blk.SetPixel (0, 0, new Color(0,0,0,0));
		blk.Apply ();
	// put it on your screen
	void OnGUI(){
		GUI.DrawTexture (new Rect(0, 0, Screen.width, Screen.height),blk);
	void Update () {
		if (!fade) {
			if (alph > 0) {
				alph -= Time.deltaTime * .2f;
				if (alph < 0) {alph = 0f;}
				blk.SetPixel (0, 0, new Color (0, 0, 0, alph));
				blk.Apply ();
		if (fade) {
			if (alph < 1) {
				alph += Time.deltaTime * .2f;
				if (alph > 1) {alph = 1f;}
				blk.SetPixel (0, 0, new Color (0, 0, 0, alph));
				blk.Apply ();

One way:

Create > UI > Image. Stretch to canvas.

void FadeToBlack ()
blackScreen.color = Color.black;
blackScreen.canvasRenderer.SetAlpha (0.0f)
blackScreen.CrossFadeAlpha (1.0f, time, false);
void FadeFromBlack ()
blackScreen.color = Color.black;
blackScreen.canvasRenderer.SetAlpha (1.0f)
blackScreen.CrossFadeAlpha (0.0f, time, false);

Please Google next time.
